Friday, March 19, 2010

new home...

Well I did it...bought a house with my boyfriend in Calgary. It happened so quick that I had complete break down. I mean come on...I'm moving cities, houses, away from my family (I'm a total Daddy's girl) and with my boyfriend who I just started going out with 7 months ago. But it's been a week and I can finally say I'm excited. It's a mid century modern home, it not quiet like the houses above (love to own one of them one day) and needs an update badly so my new obsession is Home. Everything to do with home.


  1. ohh how cute, congrats! I love your blog ^^

  2. I just discovered your blog and magazine, which were both an unexpected treat to come across! Looove them both! I'm about to move to Edmonton, so finding a publication that's local and fabulous to love was really exciting for me... keep up the great work!

